Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well it has been a crazy year so far. Kyle and I are expecting our second child in October, Ashton turned 1 this month and now Kyle and I are in the process of looking for a new place to live since our lease is up in August. So with a new baby on the way and trying to find a new place to live we are very busy.

Kyle has been very busy at work. He is learning so much about his job and is progressing very quickly! I keep telling him that he could be a painter in a couple years if he really keeps it up! I'm trying to encourage him to go to school, and get his degree in automotive painting so he has that under his belt.

Ashton is growing up too quickly. He is walking, talking (some) and is turning into such a little boy. He will tear the movies off the shelf and scatter them all over the floor. He loves to look at books and if he sees something in the book that he likes, he points at it and says "what's that?" It is so fun to see him grow up and learn new things. He is eating only big boy food now and he loves it! He is not a picky eater at all and I am thankful for that. It makes making meals so much easier!

I have been feeling great! I am in my second trimester and the nesting has definitely kicked in! Our apartment is so small, there is only so much cleaning and organizing I can do! I have been busy with work, Ashton, and being a mom and wife! I love it all!

We are not sure what the sex of the baby is yet. Kyle thinks it's a boy, but it was still too early to tell when we found out how far along I was. I am still just referring to the baby as "baby" but Kyle will call the baby him or he. I am still hoping for a girl! Then I will have one of each and maybe be done with kids. But who knows. When this one is 2 or 3, I'm sure I will be baby hungry and will want more. We'll see.

I hope all is well with everyone and wish you all love and happiness! I miss all of you that I have not seen in a while and hope we can see each other soon!

We love you all!

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