Monday, March 14, 2011

I had the best weekend! Kyle and I just relaxed and lounged around most of the day Saturday, which I think we both needed. Then later that night we went to the Home and Garden Show! At first Kyle wasn't too thrilled about it, but as we got in there and started looking around he really started to enjoy it. Ashton has definitely reached the "Terrible Toddler" phase. He makes it very difficult to do things when he is such a little pill! He just wanted to grab everything from the booths and eat all the candy that they had out! Luckily, he hadn't really had a nap that day so he crashed pretty hard towards the end. But it was very fun! It made me and Kyle really want to get a house, so we are going to be working very hard so we can accomplish that goal of ours.

Sunday. Oh my gosh! The weather was just GORGEOUS!!! It really gave me Spring fever. Kyle and I just wanted to be outside. The breeze was still a little chilly, but for the most part it was warm and sunny! Kyle and I had a nice "Summer-ie" dinner, sloppy joes and potato wedges. It was so yummy! I had been up really late Saturday night and with the time change I didn't go to sleep till 3:00am. I couldn't help it though because I was watching an incredible movie! I watched Inception, and if you haven't seen it, you need to because it is really really incredible! But I had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep, and after dinner I fell asleep. When I woke up it was cloudy and cold. Definite change in an hour. But that's Utah for you.

So Kyle and I are really trying to get in shape for the Summer. Not so much Kyle. I still need to lose my "baby gut" I've lost the weight just not the gut. Plus I want to get my muscles back. I know I won;t ever look as good as I did in High School, but I can be in as good of shape as I was in High school. So my goal is to get into shape! I'm really trying to eat better, and that will definitely help.

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