Thursday, February 10, 2011

I love Ashton. He is so sweet and so funny and he keeps me moving and busy. But sometimes I just want to post him on KSL saying "FREE to a good home."

Today we went over to my grandpas house to help him out since he had eye surgery. Ashton will always be into something he's not supposed to be into, and seriously no house is Ashton proof. But he gets into so many more things over at my grandpa's. Since my grandpa had surgery, he is not supposed to bend down or lift things. I was feeding Triston, and since I can't very well hold Ashton and feed Triston at the same time, Ashton was on the loose. I felt so bad that I couldn't go and stop Ashton from trashing my grandpa's room. But my grandpa being the trooper he is, went in. Well, when Ashton doesn't get what he wants he throws a fit, like every other toddler in the world. Since my grandpa really only has one working eye, and he couldn't bend over, Ashton threw his fit and fell, hitting his head on the wall. When I go back to make sure everything is okay, I see my grandpa kneeling on the floor and Ashton screaming bloody murder. I fell terrible. I thought my grandpa had fallen, he hadn't, that's a sigh of relief. Now I need to check Ashton for the three B's. Bumps, Bruises, and Blood. Saw none of those, another sigh of relief. One thing I've learned with my boys (husband included) is that when they are tired, they are ORNERY!!! So bad that I get to the point I just want them to go to bed. I know that it's easier said than done, but seriously, I would rather sit in silence by myself than deal with the dramatic, blow everything out of proportion attitude that they have.

I love Ashton, but I really can not wait till he has grown out of this phase. Then I will only have to deal with Triston.

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